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People of the Shed

Members of the Shed

As of July 2023

Ab Abma

Herb Adler

Wayne Allender

Geoffrey Andrews

Stuart Baker

Gordon Barfield

Craig Bearman

Max Breiland

Colin Burrett

James Campbell

Lawrence Carroll

Ray Charman

George Chomley

Paul Chreszczyk

Ken Coleman

Shane Coles

Robert Cook

Geoff Crawford

Alan Crooks

Peter Deering

Don Everett

Andrew Gluck

Neville Hewitt

Daniel Hitchcock

Ken Hose

Tom Hoyne

Graeme Humphries

Paul Johnson

John Jovanovic

Allan Kilpatrick

Grant Knox

Bill Laver

Ron Lippold

Phillip Lock

Rodney Long

John Lowrie

Jake Lunniss

Ray McHenry

Terry McNamara

Brian Mason

Lewis Mentha

Peter Mieszkowski

Roy Porter

John Rathjens

Sam Sammut

Kenn Scott

Bruce Sharples

Michael Smith

Simon Stuart

Steve Thew

John Thorn

Bruce Ward

Ken Westley

William Williams

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